
Dental Implants

Dental Implants in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley Dentist, Westminster, CA

Implants are an effective and popular way to permanently replace missing teeth, secure dentures, and avoid treatment alternatives such as bridges and partial dentures.  Westminster family dental implants are biocompatible, titanium root forms that are surgically placed into the upper or lower jaw, where they serve as an anchor for replacement teeth.  Implants have the added benefit of minimizing the continued bone loss that occurs following tooth removal.

The implant process begins with an examination and consultation, where we review your health history to determine if you are an ideal candidate for implant placement.

Next, we evaluate the placement site through a CT scan, allowing us to determine the dimensions and density of the bone in the area.

Following the CT scan, the implant(s) is placed into the bone, below the gum line, and a healing cap is placed to protect the implant.

After placement of the implant and healing cap, time is allowed for the bone to heal, grow, and integrate with the implant.  Integration typically takes 3-4 months in the mandible (lower jaw), and 4-6 months in the maxilla (upper jaw).  During this time, we provide a temporary option for filling in the area of the missing tooth, until integration is complete.

Once the implant is stable, and integration is complete, the implant abutment (connector piece) is placed.  A final impression is then completed and sent to the laboratory for fabrication of the customized crown.

The final appointment is the delivery of the crown, bridges, or dentures over the implants.