Painless Extractions

Teeth Extractions in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley, Westminster, CA

Here at KS Dental, a dentist Westminster the comfort of our patients is our number one priority. That is why we strive to provide a painless experience even for surgical procedures such as tooth extraction.

We will begin the extraction procedure by applying anesthetics, which will numb the area around the tooth to be removed. Once the area is fully numbed, the tooth or teeth can be extracted painlessly. In some cases, it may be necessary to also do a bone graft to add bone that is necessary for supporting the neighboring tooth, as well as providing a strong foundation for future restorative procedures. Once the tooth is extracted and the socket cleaned, some stitches may be applied to ensure proper healing and minimal post-operative discomfort. 

The great thing is that recovery time from tooth extraction or wisdom teeth extraction is typically only a few days. There are also many things that you can do to speed up the tooth extraction recovery, such as applying ice to the area during the first 24 hours, rinsing your mouth with salt water have plenty of rest. 

We also call every patient who had a surgical procedure done the following day to follow up and make sure proper healing is taking place, and provide any additional instructions or care as needed.