How to Choose the Right Mouth Guard for Your Sport

Whether you participate in high-intensity contact sports like football, rugby, or hockey, or you're more of an adventurous type who loves extreme sports such as skateboarding, BMX, and rollerblading, having the right mouth guard is essential for keeping your teeth safe. A good mouth guard should be comfortable, durable, and provide the best protection for your teeth. But how do you know which one is right for you? Here are the basics of what to look for when choosing a mouthguard and its benefits. The Dentist In Huntington Beach will discuss the various types of mouthguards available, so you can select the right one for your sport. By the end of this post, you'll have the knowledge you need to select the right mouthguard to help keep your smile safe.

mouth guard

1. Select the right size

 One of the most important steps when it comes to choosing the right mouthguard for your sport is selecting the right size. Mouthguards come in different sizes, from kids to adults. It's important to pick a mouth guard that fits your mouth and teeth properly. If the guard is too big or too small, it won’t be able to provide adequate protection. When purchasing a mouth guard, you should make sure to measure your mouth and check the size chart of the manufacturer to ensure you get the right one.


2. Ensure the right level of protection and comfort

 Choosing a mouth guard that provides the right protection and comfort is essential for any athlete. A good mouth guard should fit snugly over your teeth and gums, while still allowing you to breathe and speak comfortably. It should also provide enough protection to prevent any damage to the teeth, gums, and jaw. An ill-fitting mouth guard won’t provide the right level of protection, so make sure to try on different sizes and shapes until you find one that fits correctly. Talk to your dentist or an experienced sports medicine professional if you have any questions about the right mouth guard for your sport.


3. Consider the material of the mouth guard

 The material of the mouth guard you choose can affect the level of protection you get. The most commonly used material for mouth guards is thermoplastic. This material is designed to be soft and comfortable, and it is easy to mold to the shape of your teeth. Other materials, such as rubber, silicone, and vinyl, can also be used. Be sure to choose one that is durable, comfortable, and provides adequate protection.


4. Check for FDA approval

 The fourth step in choosing the right mouth guard for your sport is to check for FDA approval. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for testing and approving medical devices, including mouth guards, before they can be sold in the United States. Make sure to look for the FDA’s seal of approval on any mouth guards you’re considering buying. This ensures that the product has undergone rigorous testing and meets the FDA’s safety standards.


5. Consult a dentist for a custom mouth guard

 If you participate in a contact sport, or if you grind or clench your teeth, a custom mouth guard might be the best option for you. This type of mouth guard is made to fit your mouth exactly and is usually the most comfortable and protective option. They are usually made by your dentist, who will take an impression of your teeth and create a custom guard for your mouth. Custom mouth guards offer the most protection for your teeth and gums, and they are designed for maximum comfort.



Selecting the right mouth guard for your sport can be a daunting task but it doesn't have to be. The KS Dental Huntington Beach knows the types of mouthguards available along with their different levels of protection and comfort can help you choose the best one for you. With the right mouth guard, you can enjoy your sport with confidence and protection for your teeth and gums.


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